About High Five Inc.
On the Road and Dedicated, Concentrated Representation and Customer Concentration
High Five, Inc’s unique philosophy and structure allows us to give a level of service our customers and manufacturers expect. Our award winning group is based on six organizing principles.
Complete Management – We have two principals that share in the sales and management. The result is well-rounded, better-managed territories that are fully concentrated on sales.
On the Road – Our structure maximizes our sales people’s road selling time. To do this, we have smaller concentrated sales territories for each rep, allowing them to better canvas the area in which they work.
Dedicated and Concentrated Representation – Our sales team has been together for most of our 28 years in business with each responsible for specific classes of trade within their territory. Whether it be specialty, mid-tier or big box, each rep is fully engaged with their customer base.
Customer Communication – We publish through Constant Contact, an informational newsletter on an approximate 6-week schedule and special editions as needed. Our web and B2B site, www.highfiveinc.com, gives customers continual access to vendor information including e-catalogs, specials, and the ability to place orders 24/7.
Vendor Appreciation – Both Chris Reynolds and Dana Barnes have backgrounds in manufacturing and corporate sales management. This gives us a unique perspective in that we understand the difficulties manufacturers sometimes suffer and can articulate this to our sales people and customers. This ensures a positive progression of everyone’s business.
Partnership – We are business partners with our manufacturers and customers. We share the common goal of advancing every one’s business.